Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rough Waters

Lately, the waters of the hurricane of life have been a little rough on the Harper clan. With lots of changes in 2010, life brought a lot of frown moments and at times we couldn't quite pick out or identify the smile moments of life. But looking back it was the smile moments that got us through. Every grey cloud did have it silver lining. Smile moments this year:

Parsons turned 2 and became potty trained!
Jackson learned to ride his bike without training wheels and lost his first tooth!
Daddy took the kids on a 12 hour trip to CT by himself for a week!
Jackson started first grade!
Mommy joined a monthly book club and enjoys the good spirits and new friendships of her neighbors! (I also turned 35!)
And it snowed in SC 3 times!

I learned a lot this past year....that things happen for a reason. Whether we want to accept this reason or not we have to keep moving and forge ahead through the rough waters. I also found it is easy to drown in the rough waters if you don't stay positive and try to find the silver lining. So I am making a promise to my family and myself for 2011 that I will try to not drown and see the positive. So with that being said..I am going to follow suit with my good friend Mary and to blog more often...and to share and record the smile moments of 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad you're back. Now, I can keep up will all the Harper happenings. We miss you all SO SO SO SO much.

